I love having a million self-defeating thoughts rushing through my mind!

(said no one)

EFT Tapping Calms the Spinning

so you can

Hear Your Soul’s Whispers

For people who feel like they are missing out on a passion-filled, adventurous, fun life - EFT invites you to honour all parts of you so you can settle into the truth of who you are and ignite your dreams!

Does it feel like your emotions are running the show?

  • Do you always feel behind and trying to catch up?

  • How many times have you been labeled “too sensitive”?

  • Does it feel like you don’t know who or what to trust anymore?


This pattern isn’t what you want

I get it. You aren’t alone.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) offers you a practice from which you can accept where you are and actually feel better - today.

I’ve seen this over and over with clients. They shift from disbelief that they could feel better to settling into their truth and finding peace - often in one session!


Emotional Freedom Techniques is a combination of Chinese Medicine and Western Psychology. We tap near the endpoints of your energy meridians while verbally processing what is top of mind. This invites a connection to different aspects of the self and releases old beliefs or patterns.

EFT allows a powerful flow of energy throughout the body. We release what is no longer serving us, choose how we want to feel, and experience life.

Woman walking on beach in Vancouver at sunset smiling with hands in her pockets and looking at the camera.

Deepen your mind-body connection through EFT

This tapping practice has been around since the early 1990s and it is a simple and natural way to bring your nervous system to a calm state so we can see more perspectives and possibilities.

Whether you are navigating the end of a relationship, the death of a loved one, career challenges, or becoming an empty nester - EFT can support you. No topic is off-limits.

As we peel back the layers, we create space to connect deeply with our soul’s desires to build a new system that is in alignment with our essence.


  • I had some of my most powerful EFT sessions working with Karen. She is so present with my energy and the way she guides me through the process is gentle yet potent and deep. The sense of ease and freedom that I feel after each session is transformative.

    ~ Nousha Salimi

  • Karen is a great support and wonderful EFT practitioner. She is patient, kind and gave me the freedom to explore places I could not have gone without her expertise and support to guide me. She helped me explore thoughts and options when I was at a crossroads in my life journey.

    ~ Kathy Parasiuk

Explore the Essence of You in a Sacred Space

Two Ways to Experience EFT

(there’ll always be a sprinkling of Numerology in these sessions)

Woman in yellow sweater eft tapping on her hands during group session.
Woman eft tapping bottom of her chin during session online.

One-on-One EFT Session Package

Your personal individualized package includes;

  • One 60-90 minute Zoom call per week (9 times over 12 weeks)

  • You will have a self-guided integration week approximately every third week. This time is dedicated to self-reflect, meditating, or journaling about your journey so you can set focused intentions

  • Voxer support for our 12 weeks together

    Packages start at $1650 CAD

Group EFT Sessions

Group Sessions are more flexible and include;

  • a group environment where you are accepted unconditionally

  • a space to immerse yourself in who you are

  • tears, laughter, release, and acceptance

  • a gathering around the “virtual campfire” on Zoom to discuss top-of-mind challenges

  • tapping “magic” is amplified in a group setting due to the common focused intention of the people present

    Starts at $40 CAD per session

Woman calmly resting with eyes closed in green dress and at sunset.

For the Science Thinkers

Is there research around EFT Tapping?

“The mechanisms behind EFT include deactivation of the amygdala (stress centre in the brain) and hippocampus (memory centre), as well as recent research into vagal nerve improvement. EFT has also been shown to significantly lower cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone.  Research on gene expression indicates EFT has the ability to down-regulate genes associated with the stress response and up-regulate or improve immune functioning.” 

~ Dr. Peta Stapleton  -The Science Behind Tapping

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of EFT Tapping?

It allows a deepening of the mind-body connection. It is a powerful way to calm the nervous system which allows us to see many more perspectives and possibilities.

It can be used in a broad spectrum of situations from calming day-to-day stressors, weight loss, and trauma, to PTSD and chronic pain.

How do I prepare for an EFT session?

Arrive on time, hydrated, and with water, a journal, and any other support tools you use (like crystals). Take responsibility for your healing journey and give 100% of your effort and commitment. EFT is deeply supportive and gentle and I will guide your experience.

I've never done this before - how will I know what to do?

I’ll guide you through the process, honouring your pace. It’s kinda like Simon says! You will follow along tapping on specific energy meridians and we will talk through your challenges and emotions. 

Are you ready to let go of the challenges that are holding you back from living your best life?

15-Minute Connection Call

If you aren’t sure where to start - let’s chat on Zoom and I can help!

Book Your EFT Session

Click here to choose a session and get started with Emotional Freedom!