When it feels like you are wandering aimlessly

Numerology Makes Your Path Make Sense

Your numbers will show you how everything belongs - and how it all fits together (yes, even the things you’ve spent years trying to “fix” fit in).


Finally, See Your Life-Journey Clearly

Imagine stepping into a unique-to-you code that will help you understand yourself and your connection with others in a way you have not considered before.

What if you could stop running from your shadow side?

  • Experience the peace of accepting where you are so you can move forward

  • See how it all connects

  • Know that your shadow does not define what’s next - it lights the way!


Numerology has helped me understand how something I may have judged as negative has also served me in a helpful way over the years.

It gives me a refreshing perspective.

~ J. Ryan

Get your shift together with…

Advanced Numerologist Karen Small

In one numerology session, you will understand yourself and your path more clearly so you can experience what you want.

Advanced Numerology is not the same as a google-search. Using extensive training and a deep intuitive sense, your reading will be unique to YOU and where you are today.

Three Questions to Bring Your Life Into Focus

See what’s behind and in front of you from a numerological perspective!

Pythagorean Numerology

Why am I the way I am?

This is the first step to start diving into all things YOU.

  • You will learn about your ruling number, personality influences, and the current season of your life.

    This is often where clients sit back and say “Aha! This makes so much sense!”

  • $185 CAD

Life Path Birth Chart

What did I come here to do?

This is the second step on your journey to understanding your life purpose.

  • We will explore the contracts of your life - what you came here to experience.

    Learn your overall life purpose, the influences & challenges you may have, and how to navigate them with ease.

  • $250 CAD

Your Year Ahead

What can I expect in the year ahead?

This is the third step in understanding your life journey.

  • Learn how you can live your best life now and where to best focus your energy.

    See your career, family, and relationships clearly and strategize how to set yourself up for success in the upcoming year!

  • $250 CAD

I was a skeptic.

There was a time not too far past when I would have said that I was not interested in “numerology”.

Karen has such a beautiful energy, seems to understand everything, and has a megawatt smile with a twinkle in her eye that drew me in. I wanted to hear what she had to say.

Through our sessions, Karen gave me information that I actually believed. She led me to draw conclusions and realize things about myself that I think I always knew, but was either ignoring or not trusting.

I came away from my sessions kind of a changed person. I’ve got a great roadmap of possibilities ahead of me, and a few phrases which I keep to myself that I will use as guidance going forward.

I highly recommend Karen as she is an adept guide through the wonders of numerology and life.

~ Bunny Doyle (a now-numerology client)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose a numerology option?

Let’s start at the beginning with a Pythagorean Chart because it will be the foundation of all your future readings and it gives you excellent information and details about your unique code.

How long is a reading?

60-90 minutes.

How do I prepare for a reading?

Find a quiet location with no distractions. Hydrate and grab a journal.

Will it be recorded?

Yes, you will receive a recording of your session by email.

How do I book a numerology session?

Click the Book Now button and you will be guided through the scheduling and payment process.

“You have no need to travel anywhere. Journey within yourself, enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendour of your own light.”

~ Rumi